Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quizno's Sexy Commercial?

When I find free time I like to catch up on some TV every now and again. While i was watching some show this commercial came on and i was a little confused on how to feel about it. There is a talking oven who is speaking to the cook telling him to put the sub in him in a sultry voice and then tells "Scott" to say "its only $4" in a sexy voice and scott tries and he has to say it three times until the oven feels it is sexy enough. This commercial was actually exciting to me because it is using sex to sell food, but not using any women at all. The oven is speaking in a mans voice and the only character in the commercial is a man named "scott." This was exciting to me because not only were there no women involved in the using of sex to sell a product, but it is almost like the oven and scott could be gay. Since there is no representation of the gay community in TV commercials this excited me to think that slowly but surely our country is learning tolerance of other people besides the mass majority. The commercial does not come out and say that these two figures are suppose to be gay, but it is a possibility and that is enough for me and a step in the right direction. If every TV commercial could find ways to push their products without hurting anyone in the process that would be fantastic, but since that is clearly not an option because everyone will never all agree on one thing, taking little steps like these is what everyone should attempt to do. if you would like to view this commercial yourself you can view it on youtube or go to this link


  1. WOW. That about sums it up! I had no idea that they had a commercial like that, and personally am glad that advertisements are coming such a far way. That may be the first commercial that I have seen where the gay community has been refrenced. When it was a male oven talking to a male chef it suprised me and was even a little shocking what it said "Put it in me Scott". I had no idea that the gay community could be refrenced in a "Toasty Torpedo" advertisement. But it kinda has that ring to it doesn't it?

  2. HAHA I thought this is hilarious. They really are using sex to sell food, cause they know it works. And for once there isn't a female involved in doing so. I have never seen the commercial until now and I found it really interesting. I think the guys in the commercial do come off as gay and I'm sure they will make a controversy over it.
