Monday, February 16, 2009

"Changes" by Tupac. Was he our modern day MLK jr?

Even though he is not alive any more, when he was Tupac was one of the most influential rappers of his time. His raps weren't all just about drugs, violence and women; he spoke about the real struggles facing america that most people look the other way at. Tupac preached about the poverty that a big portion of our country deals with, struggles that women go through, and the major race issue that we all still deal with today.

"We gotta make a change...It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to dowhat we gotta do, to survive."

He realized that there is still big racial struggles for everyone not just blacks, and that it was up to everyone to make the change not just one person. Our skin color has nothing to do with the way we all turn out as people yet for some reason in america it makes some feel they are better than others and Tupac didnt just see black people as his fans, he apperciated every single one, black, white, mexican, or asain it was all the same to him. Even though he is no longer living Tupac saw what was and is still happening all over our country and spoke out to try and make change for everyone and I feel that that is something we all should try to do so that maybe one day people wont judge others just based on what color their skin is or how much money they have.
that is a link to the actual song on myspace for anyone who wants to hear it.
and that is a link for a copy of the entire song so that everyone can see the different issues that he disscusses and how we could go about bettering our country for all of us.


  1. Tupac's lyrics were very good but he was far from a non violent person. In my opinion I would consider him more like Malcom X rather than Martin Luther King jr. All three had good messages to speak to the public about, but Tupac and Malcom X were both associated with violence. Tupac was not in a gang but was associated with the notorious Bloods through his Death Row Records connections. Suge Knight was a known member of the Bloods and on the night of Tupac's shooting he attacked a member of the Southside Crips. MLK always preached a non violent approach to his messages but both Tupac and Malcom X had violence in their messages.

  2. i think that Tupac was the modern day MLK. He always dressed political topics unlike other people. The song changes has always been my favorite song by him. I had a friend in middle school who was inspired by this song basically because of family and people constantly making fun of him. It seemed to help him survive.
