The topic of legalizing marijuana in our country has been one of the most controversial for decades now. With our economy in one of the worst states it has been in for some time people are becoming more open to the idea, if it will help to restore our nation to what it once was. This article really caught my interest because this is an issue that I feel every person has an opinion on, but most are scared to share because of fear they will be ridiculed or labeled a “stoner.” Our country has become so worked up over different ways to try and fix our economy; we don’t even see one of the simplest ways that it can be done. Rubin running for mayor in Los Angeles could be one of the best things for that city if he is able to pass the bill to legalize medical marijuana.
The topic of legalizing marijuana in our country has been one of the most controversial for decades now. With our economy in one of the worst states it has been in for some time people are becoming more open to the idea, if it will help to restore our nation to what it once was. This article really caught my interest because this is an issue that I feel every person has an opinion on, but most are scared to share because of fear they will be ridiculed or labeled a “stoner.” Our country has become so worked up over different ways to try and fix our economy; we don’t even see one of the simplest ways that it can be done. Rubin running for mayor in Los Angeles could be one of the best things for that city if he is able to pass the bill to legalize medical marijuana.
“Rubin promises to bring jobs to Los Angeles by ending the prohibition on hemp, “Many people don’t know marijuana makes gasoline without going to war in the Middle East, paper without cutting down trees, clothing without polluting the ground water and without destroying the topsoil.” Popular Mechanics reported that there were literally thousands of products that can be made from cannabis, but the hype on marijuana that has led to it being scheduled as a dangerous drug has kept farmers from being able to grow it for industrial purposes.”
All of these things are never talked about when this subject is brought up because of the fact that people are scared of what this could do the people. What these voters who are against the legalization do not see is that millions upon millions of people all over the nation of all ages are using this drug even though it is illegal. All of these people may not be the top notch citizen, but they also could be your parent and you could never know because this drug is one that has been proven over and over again to have less bad side effects on your body than alcohol can. Now I understand that every case is different and everyone will never all agree but if we can make something legal like alcohol that kills people every single day, and then why not make something that can have many great effects on our nation legal? Well what I feel is that if legalizing this drug could help save our nation’s economy and do even greater things for the environment then we should do it. And really what’s the worst that can happen; everyone will get high and be a part of our society? Well they already are so let’s take all of that money and put it towards the use of our economy not just the people engaging in it.
goodness how long has this topic been around with no resolve....i vote yes! i would start the camapign by first moving to de-criminalize marijuana use and possession......the strategy could be done in stages or phases over a period of time....personal and national economy both would be strengthened...because the prices to buy marijuana would most likely decrease....all the $$ that is currently in the "balck market" and making people rich could be used to strengthen the education of our country's children....this seems like a no-brainer to me....
ReplyDeleteI concur!!!! yes!! it should be legalized....but consider all of the officails that will be cut out of the deal??? They are the ones who will never allow it! its all about the rich getting richer and the poor stay poor!
ReplyDeleteI am totally AGAINST the legalization of this drug. It has been proven that after a period of using, your brains receptors need more and more of this drug to get the same high, and eventually the person has to move onto stronger drugs. Alcohol is different because your body does not become as tollerant to it.
ReplyDeleteThis drug MAY help our current economical situation, but only for a short time. More and more people would be addicted and the black market would not be dismissed! There would be a more popular surge in the "better" marijuana form other countries. The rich would get richer, the poor poorer.
I think that it has its up and downs. I beleive that it may be a good way to save our ecomony for now but what about in a few years and were out of the recession? What are we gonna do when the whole country is high? Do you really want to see "no smoking marijuana signs" outside of buildings next to no cigerette signs. I think it's good for people who need it for medical reasons, like my boyfriends aunt used it from a doctor to cure her nausea after Kemo. I mean i don't mind it for that but would weed even be fun if you could do it legally? I think theres alot more that needs to be fought out. If doctors could prove that marijuana doesnt actually harm the body at all then thats fine, but if it's legal will it still be considered a drug. I personally would rather let marijuana be legalized but cigerettes be illegel.
ReplyDeleteThis debate has been going on for years, and I don't think that they will ever truly find a ruling on it. If you legalize it, those who don't want it legalized will be highly upset and will try to reverse it, and vise versa. As for it saving our economy, I have to say no way. Although the government could tax it outragously and profit from the taxes, they would faulter in the uproar it would bring. I just believe that it should not be legalized for its illegal now and with good reason.
ReplyDeleteThis topic of legalization has been going on for years. Do i think it should be legalized? Yes. The government would save so much money from it in general the second its legalized. I know it is a "gateway drug" people say BUT not everyone does follow this. Think about how many people are in jail or have been to jail for weed and we pay taxes for it.
ReplyDeleteThis is another great topic where we still continue to search for an answer. I believe that legalizing marijuana may help our economy but only just a portion. We could put taxes on it and it could help raise billions of dollars in only several years. Of course there would be laws with regulation. I think right now our economy could use any kind of help considering our President is wasting our money.