So as I was surfing the net looking for different things I could write about in this blog I came across this lovely little CHILDS piggy bank. Now I'm not too sure about the rest of you but this is not a toy I would ever let my child have, if I had a kid. This is supposed to be a piggy bank to teach kids how to learn to save money, and apparently learn how to do it up the butt too. This piggy bank is just outrageous in that it is showing these animals mid thrust with expressions in their eyes and mouths wide open, and is not appropriate for children. Part of the caption underneath the picture reads "Add a coin and watch two porkers making bacon." Now I’m just guessing but I’m pretty sure that if you put a coin in then these animals will have sex. The fact that this is supposed to be a kids toy is harmful to society because there are studies that show that our children are being sexualized younger and younger each year, and then you are going to give them a toy that shows them how to have sex? that just does not make much sense to me.
Given that several different cultures are much different then our own, such as Japan where the kid shows are extremely sexualized and are chop full of sexual innuendos, not everyone is going to agree. But as for this specific toy, I agree completely with you. It’s just a little too much, and I also wouldn't want my kids to be exposed to such things. Yet hopefully no parent in their rightful mind would either. I do wonder though, was this product specifically aimed for children or was it an adult style piggy bank for adults to place their spare change? Did you check out the website and see weather it’s for ages 5+ or 18+? I'm just curious because I’m holding out hope that it isn't actually meant for children.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the previous comment maybe this is a toy geared at 18 and older, and the joke is on the tired parent who did not pay attention to what they were buying in the toy store.(I hope)
ReplyDeleteI think that this "piggy" bank is a stupid idea regurdless of the age group. Its just not nnesscery. I mean i could see how it could be tolerated if it was an 18 or older device. If i went to someones house and saw this in on of my freinds rooms i would think that they were strange for having it. Why on earth would anyone buy something like this. I think that culture could have a difference as well, sex isnt as shuned in other parts of the world as it is her.I think that there is no excuse for the creator of this object because reguardless of the age demographic its still a useless object. If i was shopping for a "piggy" bank I wouldnt buy the two pigs porking!
ReplyDeleteThis toy is unacceptable and no child should have it. It's crazy to think that society is pushing more sexual things to younger children. Its not uncommon to have children having sex at younger and younger ages. Just because sex sells does not mean that it should be sold to children.
ReplyDeleteThis toy should of never been put on the market for kids. I can see adults buying it for a sense of humor or a joke or something but this is highly unacceptable for kids. I would like to see the actual website to see what it says about the piggy banks.