Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Japanese Humping Animal Banks

So as I was surfing the net looking for different things I could write about in this blog I came across this lovely little CHILDS piggy bank. Now I'm not too sure about the rest of you but this is not a toy I would ever let my child have, if I had a kid. This is supposed to be a piggy bank to teach kids how to learn to save money, and apparently learn how to do it up the butt too. This piggy bank is just outrageous in that it is showing these animals mid thrust with expressions in their eyes and mouths wide open, and is not appropriate for children. Part of the caption underneath the picture reads "Add a coin and watch two porkers making bacon." Now I’m just guessing but I’m pretty sure that if you put a coin in then these animals will have sex. The fact that this is supposed to be a kids toy is harmful to society because there are studies that show that our children are being sexualized younger and younger each year, and then you are going to give them a toy that shows them how to have sex? that just does not make much sense to me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Changes" by Tupac. Was he our modern day MLK jr?

Even though he is not alive any more, when he was Tupac was one of the most influential rappers of his time. His raps weren't all just about drugs, violence and women; he spoke about the real struggles facing america that most people look the other way at. Tupac preached about the poverty that a big portion of our country deals with, struggles that women go through, and the major race issue that we all still deal with today.

"We gotta make a change...It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to dowhat we gotta do, to survive."

He realized that there is still big racial struggles for everyone not just blacks, and that it was up to everyone to make the change not just one person. Our skin color has nothing to do with the way we all turn out as people yet for some reason in america it makes some feel they are better than others and Tupac didnt just see black people as his fans, he apperciated every single one, black, white, mexican, or asain it was all the same to him. Even though he is no longer living Tupac saw what was and is still happening all over our country and spoke out to try and make change for everyone and I feel that that is something we all should try to do so that maybe one day people wont judge others just based on what color their skin is or how much money they have.

that is a link to the actual song on myspace for anyone who wants to hear it.
and that is a link for a copy of the entire song so that everyone can see the different issues that he disscusses and how we could go about bettering our country for all of us.

Monday, February 2, 2009


While I was looking through different web sites and blogs trying to get and idea for my blog I came across Jean Kilbournes article on the video "Onslaught" released by Dove.

"As the soundtrack plays "Here It Comes," the camera cuts to a rapid succession of images she and all of us are bombarded with daily: model-thin women in underwear; women with unnatural curves; women weighing themselves; women shrinking and expanding as they diet and purge and nip and tuck; body parts scored with black marker indicating where they will be carved for cosmetic surgery; needles being plunged into skin to plump and smooth it; food portions, large and small; women being told how to become "younger, taller, lighter, firmer, thinner, softer."

I have put in a link to Jean's article on this video. http://www.jeankilbourne.com/articles.html and a link for the actual video its self. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6JvK0W60I

This video shows its viewers all of the different images thrown at girls of all ages by the media everyday on how their appearence should be. Constantley girls are being told that they are too big or too small and that they need to fit into this microscope sized ideal of what women are actually suppose to look like; when in all reality only like 2% of women look this way. Some girls or women may say that the media does not influence how they feel about their own bodies. Well most of those same women are the ones that are dying their hair because they found a few gray ones and feel that that makes them look older. There is nothing wrong with men getting gray hair of having a few extra pounds on them, but the media makes it seem like it is the end of the world if a woman had these same issues.