Thursday, April 30, 2009
Disney is going to save the rainforest
"Disney had announced it would plant one tree in Brazil's endangered Atlantic rain forest for every viewer who saw the movie during its first week. According to Disney, the box-office tally hit $16.1 million, which translates to 2.7 million trees.The trees are being planted by the Nature Conservancy, which is trying to reforest 2.5 million acres in the rain forest."
I think that this is one of the most fantastic things that they can do. Everyone has been trying to find ways to save the rainforest for years and every little bit helps, but this is something that can actually make a big impact in saving the rain forrest. Our enviromnent has declining for decades, and now everyone is on the "green kick," so this is a major thing that could help clean the air up a little. Granted the trees are being planted in Brazil, but that is where the rain forrest is, and so many animals and medical treatments come from there so we need to save it. The opening week is over so now people cant go see it to say that they helped the enviromnent, but instead why doesnt everyone go plant one tree themselves and that will help save our environment around in our area too. =)
Who has manners anymore?
Virginia Foxx....prejudice bitch from congress
Rep. Foxx: "The bill was named after a very unfortunate incident that happened, where a young man was killed, but we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of robbery. It wasn't because he was gay. The bill was named for him, the hate crimes bill was named for him, but it's, it's really a hoax, that that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills."[House Floor Speech, 4/29/09]
That is a quote directly from this sinister old hag. Personally i would like to meet this woman and hear her whole side of the story and then just rip her a new one for her closemindedness. Our country is supposed to be for the people, by the people, and of the people; well here is a group of people that have been hated against since they began to show their true colors and it is down right wrong. We believe the racism is bad, well hate crimes are just as bad and sometimes even worse. This is a topic i strongly feel about because i have gay friends and feel that they should never have to feel like they cant be who they are for fear of being hurt.
Spring Break Flu? Mexican Flu? Swine Flu?
Quizno's Sexy Commercial?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Could legalizing marijuana really help save our economy?

The topic of legalizing marijuana in our country has been one of the most controversial for decades now. With our economy in one of the worst states it has been in for some time people are becoming more open to the idea, if it will help to restore our nation to what it once was. This article really caught my interest because this is an issue that I feel every person has an opinion on, but most are scared to share because of fear they will be ridiculed or labeled a “stoner.” Our country has become so worked up over different ways to try and fix our economy; we don’t even see one of the simplest ways that it can be done. Rubin running for mayor in Los Angeles could be one of the best things for that city if he is able to pass the bill to legalize medical marijuana.
All of these things are never talked about when this subject is brought up because of the fact that people are scared of what this could do the people. What these voters who are against the legalization do not see is that millions upon millions of people all over the nation of all ages are using this drug even though it is illegal. All of these people may not be the top notch citizen, but they also could be your parent and you could never know because this drug is one that has been proven over and over again to have less bad side effects on your body than alcohol can. Now I understand that every case is different and everyone will never all agree but if we can make something legal like alcohol that kills people every single day, and then why not make something that can have many great effects on our nation legal? Well what I feel is that if legalizing this drug could help save our nation’s economy and do even greater things for the environment then we should do it. And really what’s the worst that can happen; everyone will get high and be a part of our society? Well they already are so let’s take all of that money and put it towards the use of our economy not just the people engaging in it.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The new sexy!
An unfortunate thing happened to me a few weeks iPod broke so I have not been able to listen to music in my car or anywhere!! As I spend most of my time in my car driving from place to place without an iPod I am stuck listening to the radio. :( To those of you who worship music like I do you understand what a tragedy this is, but one positive thing came from having to listen to countless hours of awful radio music.....I noticed a new trend in hip-hop music. More and more artists are writing songs about how sexy it is for a woman to not depend on a man for his money and status. Take this quote from Neyo's new song:
"Their Ain't Nothin thats more sexy Than the Girl Dat Wan't But Don't Need Me Young Independent Yea she work hard"
There is no need to read between the lines to figure out the message that Neyo is trying to send here. This is just one example of the types of things I have heard and trust me there have been at least 5 different songs that I have heard. I think that it is so great that hip hop artists are starting to change how they speak about the women they want around them. These lyrics are a great change from the old "big booty hoes in different area codes" that we are all accustomed to hearing. So my whole point is that if we can get more and more artists thinking this way then maybe it will spread across the whole music scene and then women will be brought back in the light in a more positive way where it should have been all along.