Thursday, March 12, 2009

The new sexy!

An unfortunate thing happened to me a few weeks iPod broke so I have not been able to listen to music in my car or anywhere!! As I spend most of my time in my car driving from place to place without an iPod I am stuck listening to the radio. :( To those of you who worship music like I do you understand what a tragedy this is, but one positive thing came from having to listen to countless hours of awful radio music.....I noticed a new trend in hip-hop music. More and more artists are writing songs about how sexy it is for a woman to not depend on a man for his money and status. Take this quote from Neyo's new song:

"Their Ain't Nothin thats more sexy Than the Girl Dat Wan't But Don't Need Me Young Independent Yea she work hard"

There is no need to read between the lines to figure out the message that Neyo is trying to send here. This is just one example of the types of things I have heard and trust me there have been at least 5 different songs that I have heard. I think that it is so great that hip hop artists are starting to change how they speak about the women they want around them. These lyrics are a great change from the old "big booty hoes in different area codes" that we are all accustomed to hearing. So my whole point is that if we can get more and more artists thinking this way then maybe it will spread across the whole music scene and then women will be brought back in the light in a more positive way where it should have been all along.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Barbie is 50?!?

It's really kind of weird to think that the toy that every little girl plays with at least once in her lifetime is now 50! Barbie is a vital part of American girl’s social culture, she teaches us how we can make our hair look, the cute clothes we could wear when we get old enough, and even now to keep our Earth clean. She is the "perfect" form of a woman and her hair never gets frizzy, wouldn’t that be nice for the rest of us to have. Even though Barbie has been criticized over the years for making little girls think that they are not pretty enough, she teaches a lot of good lessons to little girls now more than ever. No girl has the perfect body and it is not up to a toy to teach young girls that. Barbie has a number of different movies out now that teach little kids all about sharing, caring and friendship....all good morals that hopefully we all want our children to have. I feel that Barbie is a positive role model to children and that she keeps getting better with each year that she gets older and doesn’t physically change. We could all take a cue from her on how to make the world a better place for all, but at the same time doing that while looking really cute. And isn't that every girls dream?

Record-Setting 'Simpsons' Back For Two More Years

After 20 years on the air The Simpsons has been signed up for two more seasons, which makes it TV's longest running show ever! What is it about this crude humored cartoon that has kept Americans entertained for twenty years and counting? The show isn’t just a silly cartoon that makes people laugh and that they watch every now and then, it has earned its spot on primetime TV. The fact that it has received 24 Emmys over the years and even a Peabody (not really sure what that is though) makes it known that whatever it is that they are talking about has kept us entertained and even maybe learned some things along the way. The dad Homer in the show is the stereo-typical overweight, alcoholic buffoon that we all can relate to in some form or another. Homers antics over the years have made us laugh, but in a slightly non obvious way make us learn little tiny life lessons here and there. The Simpsons may be a fictitious cartoon family but it seems as though Americans can see themselves in this show more than they can in other primetime series that have been canceled and why is that? Why is it that after twenty years most of us can still relate to this stereotypical family that doesn’t seem to be evolving in its ideals about family?